Monday, March 22, 2010

Solomon Childs - The Young General [2010]

01: The General Now
02: Young NYC
03: Baby By Me
04: Ease Up
05: You Don't Hear, You'll Feel
06: Gee'd Up (feat. Tameeka Hammers)
07: Playing With Ya Life
08: Look What You Did to Me
09: Dreamin'
10: Falling
11: Around
12: Techniques
13: Nothing But Nigga
14: Let Um Live
15: This & That
16: Deathwish
17: Tired (feat. Minnesota Slimz & Black Jesus)

ESTRENO: nuevo album de solomon muy parecido a los anteriores, sigue en la misma linea destaco temas como ease up, falling, let um live (con el beat de notorous BIG) es un album con muchos contrastes tien temas buenos otros muy crunk y aburridos!! espero les gusto

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